Why Ride your Bike
Cycling to school is a great way to keep kids active and incorporating exercise into daily life has several health benefits. Some of these health benefits include stress reduction and increased energy levels, two important elements for a learning environment. Cycling is practical and cost effective because you can avoid traffic and you don’t have to pay for gas.
Bike Check
Before you let your kids ride their bikes, make sure the bike is safe to ride. Check that the wheels are in good working condition and that tire pressure is correct. Also check that the brakes are in good working condition. It is also helpful to keep your bike indoors to prevent rusting and weathering. Other things to inspect on the bike include lights and reflectors, pedals, the bike seat, chain sprocket and gears.
Helmet safety and importance
A helmet should be worn at all times while riding a bike. Even if a child is using training wheels they can still fall and hit their head. In BC, it is a mandatory to wear a bicycle helmet. 80% of all
bicycle related deaths are caused by head injuries and 85% of serious head injuries can be prevented by wearing a bicycle helmet. It is not only important to wear your helmet but wearing it properly is even more important. A helmet should sit level and firmly on your head. It should not be tilted in any direction. The straps on the sides of the helmet in the shape of a “Y” clip underneath the chin making sure that the strap is tight. It is one thing to fall off your bike and skin your knees or break a bone which can cause some temporary damage, but injuries
to your head can lead to permanent injury or even death. WEAR A HELMET!
bicycle related deaths are caused by head injuries and 85% of serious head injuries can be prevented by wearing a bicycle helmet. It is not only important to wear your helmet but wearing it properly is even more important. A helmet should sit level and firmly on your head. It should not be tilted in any direction. The straps on the sides of the helmet in the shape of a “Y” clip underneath the chin making sure that the strap is tight. It is one thing to fall off your bike and skin your knees or break a bone which can cause some temporary damage, but injuries
to your head can lead to permanent injury or even death. WEAR A HELMET!

General Bike Safety Tips
-wear comfortable clothing and reflectors
-wear closed toed shoes
-wear elbow pads and knee pads for extra protection
-ride in a group
-use hand signals
-ride on the shoulder of the road
-shoulder check when making turns
-WALK your bike across the street do not RIDE it across the street
-follow all traffic laws
-bike must have a bell or horn
-your bike must have at least one break system
-make eye contact with drivers of approaching vehicles
-do not listen to your ipod or talk on the phone while riding your bike
Hand Signals
-wear closed toed shoes
-wear elbow pads and knee pads for extra protection
-ride in a group
-use hand signals
-ride on the shoulder of the road
-shoulder check when making turns
-WALK your bike across the street do not RIDE it across the street
-follow all traffic laws
-bike must have a bell or horn
-your bike must have at least one break system
-make eye contact with drivers of approaching vehicles
-do not listen to your ipod or talk on the phone while riding your bike
Hand Signals
In order for motor vehicles to know what your next move will be you need to use some basic hand signals. With your left hand you can signal a right hand turn, left hand turn and stop. Eye contact with motor vehicles is very important and look both ways several times before crossing the street.

Further Information
By: Megan Durrant
Lexlee’s Kids, Inc. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.lexleeskids.org/category/bike-safety
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